Monday, February 26, 2018

See You at TSHA 2018

Do you live in Texas? TSHA 2018 is coming to Houston, Texas. I hope to see you there! Several SLPs from the Texas Panhandle are  attending. I'll be driving about 10 hours from Amarillo to Houston and looking forward to meeting the other Texas SLPs.  This is my first state conference to attend and I am thrilled to be presenting on the topic "Supporting Literacy and Language Skills in the PPCD Classroom." 

I will be addressing four goals in my presentation (1) Identify skills from the Texas PreK Guidelines that align with ASHA’s Preferred Practice Patterns for preschool students in order to develop a strong collaborative team; (2) Discuss a variety of evidenced-based strategies for supporting literacy and language skills for preschool students; (3) Learn practical techniques and strategies to differentiate activities for all students; and (4) Leave with an action plan, practical ideas, strategies and resources ready to use.I'll be sharing some real-life experiences, therapy tips and ideas, a few of my products in action, and video clips from my sessions. If you are in Houston this week, I hope to see you there.

Lisa, SLP
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